Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm really not ready for this!!!!!!

Zip has been getting bad acne on his face. Let me remind you.....he is only 9!!! Not even close to teen years! He's still my baby! I try....oh how I try....NOT to pick his face! We bought some good cleansing pads for his face. Not working. We bought some over the counter topical Clearasil. Not working. I've given him facials with my expensive beauty store products. Not working. I started getting worried when I googled "children with acne". Everything said that there must be a stomach issue if a child that young has the kind of acne he has. I scheduled a doctor appointment with his pediatrician right away. I am freaky about stuff like that. So this morning at 8:40 sharp, we were at the office for weigh ins. Zip measures up at 4'7" (that is only 1 foot shorter than me!) and 87 pounds (most of which is pure muscle!) The doctor said this is nothing more than a case of early puberty. AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! She then handed me a prescription for intense zit cream and told me I shouldn't worry. What the hell????? Are you kidding me?!????#$? We are talking about MY Zippy boy!
I know that I shouldn't be surprised...Zip has always been ahead of the curve when it comes to his body.....remember, the boy was 10-1 when he was born! My point in sharing this story with you is for two reasons.......1)feel so very sorry for me, and 2)you may see a lot more empty wine bottles in my house now.

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