Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gotta change it up!!!

Paula brought to my attention the dangers of using the boys' real names and names of their school. It's got me freaked out. How could I be so naive??? Bad mom, bad mom!

We went to lunch this afternoon at a REAL crappy restaurant that had Mayan God names on the table. I told the boys to choose one and that would be their blog name. My oldest boy will be referred to as "Pop" and my youngest boy will be "Zip". They also gave Randy and I each a name (although I don't think we need to be incognito) Randy=Aho (this is damn funny because it sounds so much like an a-hole) Jolie=Mol (duh...have you seen my body? Moley Jolie). I hope you all will be able to follow along with the new names. Just the names Pop and Zip add humor to the stories anyway.

Thanks Paula for opening my blind eyes!

1 comment:

paula said...

It's not that you're blind....just not as paranoid as I am. I feel much better now. The names are perfect.