Tuesday, April 28, 2009

OK...I'm going to admit something. It's embarrassing only because I'm admitting it to you, otherwise no one would even know! On our baseball schedule, in the Tuesday April 28 square it says, "BBQ from 5-8". There is ALWAYS some sort of fund raiser going on, so we decided that we would support the league and have dinner with our team tonight. We were looking forward to it since the fundraiser breakfast last Saturday was so good. Yah, well we get to the field and aren't seeing large crowds gathering around a smoky grill. River walked up to a group of strangers and asked where the BBQ was being held. "BBQ?" they ask. "What BBQ?" as if they have been missing out on some good grub. Randy and I look at each other like "I swear it was on the calendar.... are we the only one's that remembered????" Heading to the snack shack, we realize that there is no big fund raising BBQ. Today was OUR team's day to have parent volunteers cook hot dogs on the hibachi!! Randy & Jolie = Big piece of DUMBS!!!

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