Saturday, April 25, 2009

Oh how I love my cup o' joe!

I am addicted to the bold tastes, and the energy affects that I get from coffee. It is one of my best friends. It brings me comfort and pleasure every day.....and sometimes even 2-3 times a day! My dream someday, is to have an extra $2000 and buy myself a professional coffee machine. I suppose I would need a huge kitchen to accomadate my in-house coffee shop. Now my extra $2000 has gone up to an extra $500,000. I guess for now, I will spoil myself with the $2 cup of Pike Place that I get from Starbucks. OHHHHH how I could go for one of those right now..mmmmm!

Sorry, got off my subject......anyway, if you need to have an addiction, coffee is a great one to have! Just look at all of these health benefits!

~Heart Disease (up to 25% reduction in mortality risk (for women))
~Diabetes (up to 60% reduced risk)
~Dementia (up to 65% reduced risk)
~Colon Cancer (up to 25% reduced risk)
~Cirrhosis (up to 80% reduced risk)
~Gallstones (almost 50% reduced risk)
~Parkinson’s Disease (up to 80% reduced risk – probably because of caffeine)
~Headache Relief (because of the caffeine)
~Asthma Relief (caffeine again)
~Cavity Protection (because of anti-bacterial and anti-adhesive properties of compounds within coffee)

Share your day with my friend Joe.....he does a body good!

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