Friday, April 17, 2009

The "Disclaimer"

The "disclaimer" is something that I started using about..mmmm.....I don't know...3-4 years ago. Giving a disclaimer before you start your story, helps the listener understand the situation better and gets you off the hook for imperfections. You actually say "I have a disclaimer before we start"
Disclaimer: I am horrible at spelling, but please stalk my blog!
Disclaimer: My cooking falls between so-so and mediocre, but I'd love to have you over for dinner.
Disclaimer: I'm cranky today......just putting that one out there as a warning really. I think you all get the idea. Feel free to use the disclaimer. It really is the kind thing to do.


paula said...
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paula said...

I am laughing so hard...I have heard the "disclaimer" so many times and I think I can even recall one of the first times the "disclaimer" was actually used...Brandy in Elko. Good memories. I actually use the "disclaimer" now myself. And for the record...your cooking has never been so-so. SOOOO that one doesn't count.