Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Back ASSwards

After fluttering around ALL freakin' day.........
I JUST noticed.... my underwear is on inside out!!
I know it's all mental....but it makes me feel........weird, out of sorts, and like I need a shower. It's just not right to look down and see the Victoria's Secret logo against your skin and not facing out. Don't even get me going on the weirdness of the underwear liner facing out! Ewwwww


paula said...

This very thing happened to me on the night of a dance in high school. I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong. I discovered it when I got home from the dance...fortunately (or unfortunately) my date never tried anything to find this out for himself.

susie said...

You just made my day with this post...hilarious! It's happened to me too, I felt a little embarassed, even though noboby ever knew!

Tracy said...

Just think, it could be worse...
you could've woke up with somebody ELSE'S underwear on...EEEWWWW!!!

Jolie said...

Oh yes!!!! Waking up with someone eleses underwear would be worse!!!! Unless of course it was Rob Thomas' or George Clooney's undies :)