Wednesday, June 24, 2009

{It was a good year....}

I just went outside to look for my child, Zip.....the one who has fended for himself ALL day. He is such a good kid! Anyway, I peek out the garage door and see him on his bike. He says, "hey ya feeling?" I answer and ask what he's up to. With 3 other children by his side, he says, "Oh, we are just telling Arturro* how great seven is going to be for him. It was probably my best year....don't you think mom? I think it was seven that I learned how to really have fun in life. Seven is a good year to be. Sometimes I wish I was seven again. I just wanted Arturro* to know what seven would be like."

Awe! My baby......I love these moments

*Arturro: Not to be confused with a churro.....although both are from Mexico.
*Arturro: An almost seven year old boy that lives across street. His brother's name is Menudo. Yes, their mother should be hung by her nose hairs for those names!


paula said...

Totally something Zip would it.

Tracy said...

Si, mon!

Chelise said...

Boy! If he ain't like his MOMMA in heart and soul....