Tuesday, June 9, 2009

{The Disney 3-D "UP" Movie makes you look hot and/or blind?!}
Different than what I had expected......Actually, I don't really know what I expected, WAIT! Yes I did! I expected to pay $5/person....NOT $7.50!
I was a little torqued when I got up to the ticket booth, and it added up to about $13 more than I had planned on paying!!! Let this be a warning to you all! Because of the 3-D theatre, they have $2.50 service charge per person!!!!! I think it is ridiculous....I guess the movie was worth it?!?! I did have a tear or two drop out of the bottom of my 3-D goggles, but you know me.....I can cry at a potato bug trying to rolly polly back on his feet! I'd give it 3.875 stars.

And oh! Those sessy glasses! I think they make Pop look like Squints (Sandlot)
Adam really was as comatosed as he looks....he OD'd on benedryl. Took 4 capsules!
He won't be seeing the light of day until Thursday! But the good news is, that his eyes won't itch.

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