Monday, March 28, 2011

{Dancing on the ceiling}

picture taken 3/27/11
11 days after receiving the larvae

We woke to our 'pillars hanging from the ceiling of their plastic containers.
They were still tweens as of 10 pm last eve.
This morning they are at the end of their life cycle as a caterpillar, and preparing for a re-birth into something much more beautiful and not so freakish!!!!

A half an hour after I took this picture (above),
Jax yelled for me to come to his room and watch the abrupt change.
Just see for yourself.......
Make sure to watch both clips!!!
All kinds of fighting, shaking, and transforming going on!!!
You won't want to miss todays adventure of 
"Dancing on the ceiling!"
Your kids will love this!!!!!
Disclaimer:  Sorry about the lame commentary.
Excitement took over and my professional journalism voice was no where to be found.

In the amount of time it took me to upload these educational videos,
 (MANY frickin hours! 
Not even kidding!
Blogger software needs an overhaul! 
most of the 'pillars are now also in cocoon stage and frantically shaking.
This is the fastest process I've ever seen a living creature-thingy age!!!!
I think* caterpillar time is 8.1 years to our one day!

*just me thinking......
which means the info is 
totally NOT National Geographic accurate!


Jay D said...

I just had a vision from the Ice Fishing gods.....that would make great bait.....

paula said...

What? Jay D left a comment? Of course he reads ice fishing into this.....Oh yeah and notice how he capitalizes Ice and Fishing and not says so much.

OK-this grosses me out to no end. Seriously....I VIM a little watching this. I'm so impressed you are doing this with Jax. You are really coming into this whole "teacher" thing aren't you? However gross it may be, it is extremely fascinating isn't it?

Anonymous said...

OK, that is just freak show stuff right there!! Make sure the lid is on tight so they don't butterfly it out of the jar and fly all over the house and take over and roll all of you up in cacoons and stick you to the walls and use you for food......sorry, too many Syfy channel movies. could happen.


Jolie said...

I'm gonna have to post more things that look like fishing lures I suppose! Trust me Jay D....If it wouldn't have made my kid traumatized, I would have given these ugly things to you for a big catch!

Sorry for making you VIM Paula...Science isn't always pretty!

Aunt have watch too many episodes of "when small unsuspecting bugs attack!"....Yah, it could happen!!!!! Actually I HAVE seen caterpillars attack people's eyebrows. The attack consists of making two eyebrows one horribly ugly uni-brow!