Tuesday, March 29, 2011

{For hire}

Jax singing "Forget You" by Cee-Lo Green

~He's damn cute
~He cooks the most amazing cookies, pudding, cakes, Top Ramen, cereal and toaster waffles you have ever eaten!!!!
~He entertains by singing and dancing to all of the upcoming artists

Now hiring him out for child labor at the bargain price of $11.38/hr and you have to feed him at least 7 meals a day, which could add up to $100's due to the amount he needs to consume to keep his 'fro, nose, and feet growing at a rapid pace!
I will need him back every other day or so because I need to be fed and entertained as well.
Make checks payable to Jolie.


Anonymous said...

He sings,cooks,dances...and he's cute!! The total package,look out world.


Chelise said...

Awwe....my cutie pie!