Wednesday, March 30, 2011

{Science isn't pretty}

Paula, skip this post...
I don't think you can handle the info

I/we DO NOT go by the book.
Hence, why everything we do is a guess-timation  
or is built with 4 screws left over and wondering why the TV stand leans to one side.
I finally pulled out the "LIVE BUTTERFLY GARDEN" Instruction guide to find out if the process that was happening is natural.
I mean, we've loved, fed and stalked these living beings for two weeks.....I couldn't run the chance of neglect this far in the game just because I am too lazy to "go by the book."
Whew....long winded for a little explanation.
I seem to be a rambler these days.
Drives peeps nuts!
Sorry peeps :(
So, from what the info sheet tells us, the round balls are pooh balls a.k.a "frass".
The black pieces of fuzzy is actually part of the caterpillar's bottom that gets pinched off outside of the cocoon!
 (ewwwwww so nasty!!!! uhhhhhhhck)
The reddish/orange specks are excreted* liquid called meconium.  It is made up of the leftover coloring and tissues from the wing formation.  
It is not blood.
*excreted is another word that should have never been invented.
Where's my Clorox?

There will be a quiz at the end of this segment. 
Please study as needed.

We took the paper topper off of the plastic containers and pinned the chrysalides to the inside wall of the butterfly garden habitat.
Remember the video of them frantically shaking like freak-a-geeks????
This is their natural instinct to ward off predators.

I found this information very interesting.
(((speaking in a smart English accent)))

They will be in pupal (cocoon) stage for 7-10 days.

I will let you know when our first baby butterfly spreads it's wings!!!
Because I know you are waiting on the edge of your seat and sooooo enjoy this preschool science project presentation.

This is what happens to people (me) who are home all too much schooling their child.
A ball of pooh-frass is a daily highlight.


Anonymous said...

You lost me at Pooh-Frass. Step away from the cacoons and run the other way.


Chelise said...

Wellll, I am proud, as a fellow learner, of both of you (jol and Jax) for taking on this lil experiment of excretion for our learning pleasure!