Thursday, March 24, 2011

{The dark side}

I'm in to the new hair 'do a week now.
As any woman knows, new hair 'do means more than just hair.
It means:
~ new attitude
~new personality
~new attention
~people's new opinion being thrown at you.
For the most part, I've received very positive feedback.
(thanks to all who have been so sweet, supportive and, love, love you)
(exempt the feedback that Randy told Derek that this hair ruined his life.  he has apologized and feels bad for saying it.
men hate change....especially when it comes to their women cutting off hair!)
I think we are all finally getting used to the color at this point.  
My boys have stopped saying, 
"whoa...I forgot you're different" when they walk into the room.
I'm liking it a lot more now that the reddish/purple has toned down.
I'm not one that appreciates phony color.
I like to look natural.....well, as natural as a foil color weave will let you.

This has been a fun/interesting experiment. 
 I  think that I get as many looks as a darkie as I did as a blondie, but I'm not sure it's for the same reasons.

My self confidence and personality have quieted.
Dark hair makes me feel like I'm not unique and could blend in with the background.
Which is crazy, because Utah is FULL of blondes that look like walking clones.
I guess that is one of the things that propelled me to the dark side....just trying to change things up and show my rebellion of being different.
Different is only good if you are comfortable in the persona.
But even with that being said, I am very proud of the leap it took to get here!  In younger years I would have never done this....and even if I would have tried, this could have been the type of thing to throw me into a great depression.
Isn't that sick......
Being older and a bit wiser makes me more calm and less vain.
Because really.....nobody cares wtf you do.
All of us are concerned with ourselves.

My blonde ambition is starting to wiggle its way back.
Jolie=blonde- airhead- silly
I'm going to enjoy this stage of darkness and hope that my transition back to the light isn't too difficult and destructive to the follicle and checkbook!


Red-T-For-Fun said...

Hair! Hair! Hedy!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I still like the new look, it gives your face color and you look like one of the Briggs Bombshells,only younger with the Katie Perry edge. Embrace it.