Monday, March 14, 2011

{What a pain in the butt}

Jax and I were taking a mid-afternoon rest today and he chose to watch "19 kids & counting" on demand TV.
I was a little shocked that he wanted this as his entertainment when there were episodes of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" in the schedule line-up.
The segway into the show is the mom's voice introducing all of her "J" named kids, and then ending her winded name recall with saying that all 19 kids came from her.
Jax popped his head up and with a twisted look on his face said, 
"WHAT!??!?!? HOLY CRAP!!!!
That lady didn't adopt those kids??? 
WoW.....her butt must hurt really bad!"

I couldn't hold back my laugh.
And the more I looked at Jax the harder I laughed!

Then he said, "What are you laughing at mom?
You think I don't know these things.
Paula teaches me all kinds of things that."

(I think Jax overheard Paula telling a story about Elliott asking if she poops out the baby, and Paula replied "yes".)

I understand that I really need to do some sex education and anatomy charts for Jax since he is age appropriate and in puberty.  Actually, he is beyond age appropriate.
I told River the truth about babies, births and sex when he was 8.  He came to me with questions and was ready for the answers.  He took the information as a serious education and didn't get embarrassed or silly with any of it.
I've always believed in being honest and matter of fact with the proper names of body parts.
BUT with's different.
His maturity and mental capacity hasn't caught up with his large stature.
I guess I want to keep his innocence as long as I can.

The talk is coming though.
I can feel it.
Now that's a pain in the butt!!!


paula said...

So I have been racking my brain with this trying to figure out when in the sam hell I "taught" him this. I think I figured it out....When you guys all came to see me at the hospital right after I had Lola, I had to walk past you all to go to the bathroom. I was moving VERY slowly and walking like I had just had a baby...I remember looking at all you guys and saying, "Let me tell you this, having a baby really hurts your butt." Oh boy.....Jax just cracks me up. You certainly don't want me giving your kid any sex-ed lessons...after all, I said "yes" when Elliott asked if I was going to poop out the baby. It sort of happens like that.

segura2salazar said...

O.k., I am so laughing my butt off! I had to share this one with the girls from work.

Way to go Paula! I guess we all need to remember that little ears take some things very seriously!


segura2salazar said...
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Chelise said...

LMAO!! I officially vote for Paula giving all our kids the "Sex Talk"! Its way damn funnier!

Paula, one of my most favorite sayings of yours is "Sam Hell"!! I can just see your expression as you say it too!!