Tuesday, March 1, 2011

{Beautiful One}

In 9th grade, there was a whole group of guys that would gather in a certain area through the hallway near my locker.
As I would walk by, they would all greet me with,
"Well hello bodacious!"
"How are you today bodacious?"
"Looking good today bodacious"

I would respond with a smile and walk by feeling like I was queen of the double wide trailers!
I didn't make the effort to find out the definition of "bodacious".
I assumed of course, that it totally meant "beautiful one" :) 

I feel fortunate, that in my niaveaty of the English vocabulary, 
I went through 9th grade feeling pretty good about my "beautiful one" self.

It wasn't until I went to my 10 year High School class reunion that I found out what the 'gather of guys' meant by bodacious.
I was a little taken back and somewhat violated when a guy that I went to Jr. High/High School with, made sure to remind me of the "bodacious" days.
He got a good chuckle when I told him I had no idea of what it meant.
I was explained that in 1986, the 9th grade boys' definition of 
bodacious=big boobies.

I made sure to remind him of how much I adored his lean quarterback body and head full of golden locks in 1986....
and said that it's too bad that his 
"lean body and golden locks" 
couldn't make it to the reunion.

Oh yes!!!! Bodacious payback is a biatch!

(I forgot about this story until I recently heard a kid walking down the sidewalk yelling "BODACIOUS" at the top of his lungs.
I wonder what the definition is in 2011?)


Anonymous said...

I always thought the Doobie Brothers were really brothers,then I found out what a "doobie" was...don't ya just hate hidden meanings.Where do they get boobies out of bodalious...it should have been boobalisous.


susie said...

This story is so funny! At least you were "bodacious," things could've been worse, you could've been "mosquito bites!" I personally would much rather be bodacious than flat as a board!