Friday, March 18, 2011

 {From the ostrich family}

You all know that I'm in the running clinic with Lisa.
We have a wonderful trainer that is conditioning our bodies for various goals.
The last 3 weeks have been a lot of cardio, strength building and stretching.
This next week we will be going into running intervals for stamina.

I've learned a lot about my body.
The goods, but mostly bads and uglies.
Don't worry tho...I'm not freaking out about the 
b's and u's.
Just the opposite.
It's been a real eye opener to how out of shape I really am.  I am super stoked to be doing something about it!
I have been under my own brain wash that I am a pretty healthy person.
I eat well, I always take walks and am always encouraging my family to be active.
Shit...I am undefeated in leg wrestling, mercy fights and titty twisters!
How much better shape does a person need to be???
What I am realizing, is that you can have the strength of an ox and still have no muscle.
Seems like an oxymoron but it's true.
I have no idea where my unheard of strength comes from when I have minimal muscle mass!
This all comes to play in the way my body is effected by my running/work outs.
My knees are suffering from patellar tendinitis.
This is caused by being knock-kneed and having over pronation (which my boat shoes help with a lot),
and having extremely weak quad and ass muscles.
Well really.....
NO quad or ass muscles!
Hence the pancake butt.

And because of the lack of quad and ass muscles, I tend to run forward on my toes and take too much impact on my knees.
Just envision an ostrich running.
I totally fit the picture in your mind.

I'm pretty sure I should have had leg braces* as a child.
This just aint right!!
I'm calling it child neglect and I'm pissed about it now!
*My opinion only

To help build these quad/ass muscles I've been instructed to do 25-30 squats a day.
I figured if I'm gonna put in the work, I should have a goal to reach for.
They say that if you put a picture in front of you that mimics what it is you want to look like, it can help propel your dream.

So here we go.
This is my dream ass.
I figure I only have 57839049 more squats to go :)

This is probably Randy's dream ass too.
Hey Randy!!!  I'm working on it!!!
Quit asking me if I've put in my squat time!
I know you are excited about the possibilities but my hell!

be nice to the handicapped!


Chelise said...

Oh My Hell! That butt isn't even real!! You can see the implant scar under that left cheek....See it?? I don't care who ya are, that's a genetic anomaly or a butt implant. Go Plastic!!!

Anonymous said...

The best way to get a good ass is to marry one that is old as dirt and rich as Trump!!