Monday, March 21, 2011

{Pillar baby daddy}

Jax had been talking about the 
"freakin, awesome commercial where I can make my own butterflies!" for about a week.

I ignored him.
And ignored him.
And said No.
Then got irritated.
Then watched the commercial.
Then bought the damn kit!

If my kid wants to make his own butterflies, well then dammit!!! 
He should be able to do that!

There's a little bit of God in all of us that can help the creation of living things blossom in this world.
oops sorry.....sometimes my PollyAnna just spews without me knowing.

For the amazing price of only $19.95 plus $10.00 S&H, the order was placed.
Every day Jax waited for the delivery dude....
It took four loooooong days and the goods arrived.

Picture taken on 3/16

The two plastic containers that held the caterpillar larvae had me concerned.
(the word larvae gives me the heebee geebee's and makes me want to Clorox something!)
Each held 5 larvae which looked as if they were dead and been preyed upon by a spider because there was webbing sparsely throughout.
The brown peanut butter looking stuff is their food, but looked like pooh all the same.
We stared for about a minute, with no activity coming from inside the container I had decided that this was the bunk-est, lame-est, kid heartbreaking, money stealing scam I'd ever seen!!!! 
Jax was totally bummed!
And I was totally pissed.
Just as I was about to call my local magpie over to have a good lunch of ugly dead larvae, 
we saw them start to move!!!!!!
We took it upon ourselves to read the instructions!
WOW!!  It's amazing what you can learn when you read the "How to's and why's".
Apparently, our little 'pillars were perfectly healthy and the silky webbing was supposed to be there.
YAY!!!  We were excited again about raising these lil pillar-bambino's!!!

Not only did the kit come with 'pillars and growing instructions, but also the netted housing.......and

A poster!
Every dude wants a flower/butterfly poster for his bedroom!
Jax could just turret himself to death with the anticipation of being the flutterbys baby daddy :)

Picture taken 3/21

Look at how much our babies have grown in 5 days!!!!!

This really is a wonderful science experiment for the kids all of us.
We are excited to wake up in the morning and see how much they've grown over night.
OHHHH we can't wait for the cocoon stage!!!
We will keep you posted on the transformations!!!!


Anonymous said...

How exciting to watch these worms turn into beautiful butterflies.I to am a sucker for this stuff. When Janin and I were kids we sent away for "Sea Monkeys".In the ad they looked so fun and healthy.We finally got them and I think they lived for two days.We were heartbroken!! I hope the butterfly experiment turns out. Keep us posted.


Chelise said...

those flutterby's are lucky to have been adopted by that baby daddy! we cant wait to see the butterfly transformation :)))

paula said...

Elliott loves that commercial. When I showed him these pics on here right now he says, "Hey-I've seen that on T.V.!" I hope they actually work out. I'm with you....larvae is just a disgusting word.