Monday, August 3, 2009

{Not to be confused with.......}

We went to see Flaming Gorge this last weekend........

Flaming George

Isn't it crazy how one little vowel changes everything?!?

Just waiting for the copies of the pics from the Gardners before I post the story. The DeVries' and Gardners go wayyyyy back. Back before there was a Jolie and Randy! We love getting together with them and can always be our dorky, dumbass selves. Lots of laughing going on! It was a down right, great time! Sooooo good, that I didn't even care I was sleeping in a tent! With a rock jabbing my hip bone! And rain water soaking my pillow! And 3 am pee attacks! Then 3:15 am bear panic attacks!

Can't wait for you to see the pictures!! will have to miss out on the x-rated crotch shot.

Totally accidental.....

just trying to get rid of hiccups,

with my head between my legs......

Mike tries to capture a moment with my face upside down.....

got more then we all bargained for.

I erased it.....only after Amie got a shitload of laughs tho!


paula said...

Yeah right...I think you just wanted to brag about your recent bikini wax. I hope you're not getting all outdoorsy on me.

Amie said...

Can you say lipage! OMG that was fricken hilarious my little porn! You needed more than a bikini wax for that shot! Full on brazilian wax baby!