Wednesday, January 6, 2010

{Christmas was Snuggie perfect}

Yah, yah...I'm just barely getting to Christmas pictures.
I will keep the talking short and sweet.
Fast we go.

Riv got a guitar.
Riv loves his guitar.

M.J. T-shirts for Jax
Frank Sinatra for Riv
Beauty/rockin' leopard vest and chains for me
Headlamp for no eyes
(gifts from Auntie E)

Dad acting SURPRISED by his Swiffer :)

The year of the Snuggie
Miss Kitty wasn't as impressed as I thought she would be.

Riv's favorite Lego sets
A battleship
A tank
Built both within a matter of hours!

Aunt T. and G-ma homegirls came over for ham dindin.
(i warned you about the apron. 
i really DO wear it all the time)

Gifts for the guys
courtesy of Aunt T.

Grandma looking lovely in her red sweater and purple hair.

And while watching a movie, look who became bestest gal pals.
~Miss Kitty and Lady Laura~
Royalty at it's best.

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