Saturday, December 12, 2009

{Here's yer sign}

While waiting in line at the Walmart customer service cluster funk,  Jax sees a sign....I don't think it was from God, but surely a higher power that gets dismissed.  Maybe Walmart Harri Krishna's...I don't know.
Anyway, I have never, ever, never noticed this sign in all the 1,894,493,485,394,590 times I have gone broke to buy a bargain at Wally World.

After reading slowly and outloud,
"rest-room ne-ed-s clee-n-eeng",
Jax says with disgust , "I don't think the people that work here even read that sign!  I have never seen a clean bathroom at this place! Do they even know that sign is there?

Have you ever seen one of these signs?  And..... does your Walmart have clean bathrooms because of it?  Or are we asking too much from a multi-gazillion dollar company to give us a clean toilet?  Oh, and God forbid that you have a child that hasn't had their entire line of immunizations, and needs to be changed in one of these germ warfare rooms.  You pray that they don't start mutating into poop spores while shopping. There is something about Walmart that makes me and Jax both have to "go" when we walk into the place.  I'm almost positive that they have exlax in the ventilation system.  Maybe a lot of people have the same experience, and there just isn't enough employees in blue to keep up on sanitary issues.  Or maybe.....they just have never noticed the sign.


Megan said...

i looked for that sign today when i went to my local walmart. nope they don't have one. they need it. oh man how they need it. they did have fresh flowers on the sink though. gross. gross...

Jolie said...

i love how they put the day old flowers by the sinks.....doesn't help so much, but it is a nice touch.

P.S. good to hear from ya Megan. Baby Boy is beautiful!