Monday, December 7, 2009

{Surprise...betcha can't guess what we got you for Christmas!!!}

Last night, dad was over for Sunday dinner.
After a big bowl of chili and chocolate cake, we got comfy on the couches and watched The Andy Griffith Show.

A commercial came on for Swiffer floor mop.
Jax jumps up and whispers to himself,  "swiffer?"....then yells, "hey grandpa!  DON'T go in the basement! We haven't wrapped your present yet.  Mom!  We need to wrap that so grandpa doesn't see what it is!"

I look at my dad who is chuckling....then at Randy who has his head in his hands, mumbling...."that kid?!?!?"


paula said...

The stories of Jax just keep getting better and better. That one was a coffee spitter.

Chelise said...

Maybe your Dad didn't get what he was talkin about??? Shot in the dark, but you never know.....oooh,oooh, you should take it back and get him a back massager! He'll never expect it!