Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bunhuggers, Park, Oweeee walk, Telescope, Dead people

Continuation of AZ story......

On Friday we decided to head North to Flagstaff where the weather is cooler and the town is overpopulated.....mostly with hippies and rude drivers. Randy and Justin left ahead of time to drive by the "Urgent Care" facility. Randy was diagnosed with chronic grey hair and gas. Oh wait....that is Dr. Jolie's diagnoses for him. Anyway, he was given antibiotics for a sinus/respiratory infection. They then met the rest of us at Bunhuggers. No, not a strip club, a hamburger joint. We all scarfed down good ol' greasy grub. My favorite thing was the batter fried zucinni.

From there we went to the park, where the local high school just happened to be having a field trip. Yea!!! Those damn teenagers took over all of the fun stuff! About 30 minutes later, a sound was made indicating that the age inappropriate, lame field trip was over.....board the buses! we can have some fun kids! We climbed trees, swang (is that the plural of swing?), threw the baseball, and chased Cash around. Chelise and I needed to wake our asses up, so we started on a little walk around the park. We probably were on our 4th lap when the guys decided it was time to head toward the observatory. Our super smart idea was for Chelise, Pop, and myself to walk the 1/2 mile to the museum since we already had adrenaline pumping. Did I mention, it was AT LEAST a 1/2 mile, and ALL at a substantial incline. I thought it would be beneficial to do squats and arm lifts as we walked....HEY! If your gonna do it all they way, right? We all made it to the top in good time. I was so proud of Pop. He didn't complain at all.

As for me, well, I JUST started walking WITHOUT extreme pain and spasms in my inner thighs yesterday! Ahhh, I always have to push the envelope and end up with paper cuts.

At the observatory, we went on a tour. The tour guide looked like the typical "Forest Ranger". Super mellow, round glasses, & grey pony tailed hair. Dressed in his ranger suit, he took us to the telescope and dome that was built in 1894 by Percival Lowell. Without boring you with too much info, he was the first to claim life on Mars....You know, Martians. He believed that he could see canals, which meant a living being had to be there to dig the canals. Yes, he was a different kind of duck, but he paved the way to money and research for our heavens. He loved the observatory so much, that he is buried right next to it! I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!!!! It seemed a bit obsessive, but who am I to say?? I mean, I want to be buried next to the casino/bar/beach/motel. Everyone has their passions in life. Don't be a judger!

Because it was daytime, we weren't able to look through the telescope, but hearing the guide and Pop interact with their geek filled information, was all worth it. Pop really has a love for the stars and planets. Science and astronomy and firefighting :) is his thing. He surprised the guide with his knowledge. Zip asked critical questions too. Like: "When they count the thingys in the sky, do they write tally marks on a piece of paper?" Oh! It was too cute! Let's just say, Pop is the brains and Zip is the brawn!

One more split seconds during our tour, Cash was able to knock a one-of-a-kind painting to the floor, slam and lock a large door (Justin was on the opposite side wanting in), and laughed loud while running through the museum. You gotta love a 2 year old!!!
The final 2 chapters of "AZ Dayz" will be coming soon. As well as the monumental event I will be attending tomorrow. You will have to stay tuned to find out.

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