Thursday, May 7, 2009

A new look at life.....

Green sides...his favorite color....Esprit brand

Every morning for the past week, we have all had to go to school with our fingers and toes crossed for an early delivery of his new glasses. I'm not kidding! Zip has even made his teacher and classmates pray about it! The Dr. told him they should be in no later than Wednesday. From the doors of his school, he ran to the car hoping for good news (yesterday). He started crying when I told him that they hadn't called yet. He wanted to know why, just why, does it take so long???? I said it was because he got a name brand frame, and the Dr. had to order them from Hollywood. (he he!) They are stylish movie star frames, and it will soooo be worth the wait. A smirk came over his face, he sucked up the snot and tears, and said, "I'm gonna look good mom!"
Zip got the call today (it must have been all the finger crossing and praying going on!)........I think his premonition was correct! My California star looks good! He's pretty sure that he is the only kid in his school and on the baseball team with Hollywood glasses :)