Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm probably going to get hate mail for this one..

Warning: This post is not for those who can not handle or who does not appreciate swear words! Do not read!!!

I know that they say...."A person who swears, sounds uneducated"

Well then, I must sound like a total back wood, illiterate, hillbilly because I LOVE MY EFIN TRUCKER MOUTH!!!!! Swearing is therapeutic and makes your point with an exclamation!!! I try not to swear extreme profanities in front/at the children, but there have been times that I have said to them, "Pull your head out of your a**" or "G*d Dam**t! What the hell?" or "Pick up your sh**". These phrases may not be all fancy shmancy, Harvard educated words.... but, let me tell you....... My swearing has given the boys a valuable education that they can't learn just anywhere! It is the school of: 'When mom listen!!!!' OR ELSE!!!! I don't know what the OR ELSE is...but they are really scared of it! :) Damn right!!!

A few other of my favorite potty mouth verbiage:

Are you shi*ting me?
Oh my hell!!!
Efin A!!
G*dDam* Sons-a-b*tches!
P*sses me right off!
You're an a**hole!! (frequently used while driving)

1 comment:

paula said...

So true. I'm glad I'm not the only one who frequently uses phrases such as this. One of my favorites...Sonofabitch! You have to say it all in one word like that. I agree with you...sometimes the bad words are just the only words that fit what you need to express. Hey-I grew up with parents that swore and it didn't ef us up to effin bad did it? Have you ever really thought about the meaning of some of these phrases? Especially "Your Shi**ing me!" Where did that come from and what exactly does it mean? How do you shi* someone...that sounds like it would hurt.