Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Chapter 2...My heart beats in the same rhythm as hers

In the days past, there have been email exchanges between the two of us (Birth Mom and myself). She had few questions...."What does his feet look like? What kind of music does he like? Does his pinkie finger curve at the tip?"

These were lead up questions to the monumental posing question. The question that encouraged the surprise letter. "How does he feel about being adopted? What does he think of me? Does he hate me? Does he think I abandoned him?"

I was confident with my words to ease her mind and put her heart at peace. I will share a small piece of my response with you. I wrote:

{We have always been open with our boys. From the first time they asked if they were in my tummy, I explained their story to them. Of course, it's a story that has taken years to get through because I can only give them information that they can handle at certain ages. When he was little, we referred to you as "Angel Mommy". I explained it to him like this....Mommy and daddy couldn't have babies of our own, so we prayed and asked for help. We were sent your Angel Mommy. She gave us the greatest gift. She wanted mommy and daddy to be able to love and hold a baby forever, so she placed HER baby in OUR arms to take care of. It was very hard for her because she loved you and was already attached to you. That is why you are so special. You have two mommies and daddies that love you. He has always felt comfort with his story. He knows the qualities that you have given him, and if he ever has questions, he will always get an age appropriate, truthful answer. Being adopted doesn't define him...but he is proud of it. He is an intelligent, confident and content boy. He is who he is because of BOTH of us.}

She emotionally responded to this letter. It was exactly what she needed to hear from me. We BOTH are at peace.

I like the thought that she gave him his light.......I get to help it shine :)


susie said...

Jolie- You are such an amazing person. I love the story that you tell your son, they are both so lucky to have you guys as parents. By the way this is Susie, Paula's little big sista!

Unknown said...

Jolie you are awesome, so much love and compassion. I truly admire that. I think it is awesome.I think the way you handle it with your boys and the birth mom is awesome, kind and caring, considerate of her feelings as well as your boys. I almost cried reading this- not in a bad way, but because it touched my heart. Knowing you are so caring, and so compassionate
You are awesome!

ggmlaurapearl said...

May 6, 2009

Jolie: What a priceless treasure these grandkids' blogs are for me.
I get to visit you now as I've not been able to do since you all are maturing and committed to your own family lives.
I get to be moved, thrilled, amused--and cry all I want without embarrassing myself. Your true TWO MOTHERS story--I can't adequately express my depths of emotion.
I laugh, too. I can check back and enjoy it all over again anytime I feel like it.
Grandma B