Thursday, May 21, 2009

The last of AZ posts! Can I hear a round of applause!

We took a different way home......different for us anyway. All of my AZ family takes this route. It goes right past Lee's Ferry. It is a very scenic drive with beauty all around. We come upon an old pilgrim dwelling. It had a main house, outhouse, and 3 smaller sites. We got out and walked around. It was hot and the red sand was not good for Miss Kitty's feet......they got burned :(

Under one of those teetering red rocks that look like they could just fall with a breeze, was an Indian family selling jewelery. Randy and I stopped to look at their display. Disclaimer: Randy is so tender hearted and giving, he will ALWAYS support people if it looks like they need it. These people looked like they could use some help. They had 4 dirty kids running in the heat, and had told us that business had been slow. I found a nice overpriced bracelet that I wanted to buy. When I say overpriced, it is because, at the Cameron gift shop, I found the exact bracelet for $6.99! The rock family was selling it for $15! I truly liked the thought that they would receive a large profit from my purchase. Everything in me changed when I handed the lady my $20. She said that she didn't have change, and that I would have to find another $5 item. For one thing...there were no $5 items....they all started at $10. Here is where I want your opinion on what you would have done, and if I am just a bitch.........I immediately felt like she was trying to play me a fool.....and lied about not having change. You don't sell things with out having change for people!!! She just wanted all of my $20 and more! I am not a cheap ass by any means....I will give to people with pure intentions. I got a feeling that she was not a good person.....I said, "Oh, that's too bad." Took my $20 out of her hand, laid the bracelet back on the table, and walked away. Her face dropped and lost color and her husband started yelling at her in a tribal language. I got in the car, and Randy asked why I didn't buy it. I told him the story and he felt like I was being petty. He believes that they probably didn't have change and regardless, they could have used the money. WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE???????


Unknown said...

That is hard, but I always go with my gut feeling, if it says I am getting screwed and lied to i walk away. If I think they are honest then its good. I dont know what I would have done, I do know if you felt like she was being dishonest then she may have been. Follow what your feelings tell you. its the best way to go through life.
oh and I will take LOTS of pics of R and family! I am so excited I cant stand it! They will be here sometime in the next few hours! Going crazy waiting

Unknown said...

I agree with you...seems like this will be all it takes for her to have change next time (if she didnt).