Thursday, May 21, 2009

Who needs a stinkin' over priced water park???

Across from Chelise and Justin's home, is an empty lot that one of their neighbors own. It is a beautiful grassy, tree lined, 2.5 acres. After returning from our Flagstaff trip on Friday, the kids noticed that the lot was being irrigated. Oh, the yearning in their eyes to jump in! Boys and water are drawn together like Joan Rivers and plastic surgery. The inevitable happened.....and this was the outcome (see pics).........grass galore! They had grass shavings in parts that only a momma can see! We enjoyed watching them run, slide, splash, get attacked by Roxy dog, become emotional, and over-dramatize a skinned finger (see bottom right pic of Zip). Is it bad that I laugh at certain times when my children get hurt?? I do have a sick sense of humor....I can't help it. I ONLY laugh when I know it's not a major boo boo. I swear!

This is the epitome of childhood! Free, fun and burns lots of energy!

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