Monday, May 11, 2009

Helping Aunt E today

Gene and Elise were in town to clean out and paint their rental house. I showed up at 9 am to help and ultimately risk my life. I'll cut this short with bullet points of what we did~

*Took down yellow, dusty, smokey basement curtains

*Filled a garbage can with items..... we weren't really sure what they all were

*Wrapped all glass dishes in paper and packed in boxes

*Cleaned closets of clothing, toiletries, sheets, food and 8 tracks :) for real!

****Saving the best for last*****

*Plastic wrapped stuffed animals. No, not the soft cuddly ones you put on the kids' bed! The one's that used to be alive, and are now frozen in time on a wooden plaque....covered in dust from years of just "hanging around". There was a pheasant, another bird....I try not to remember, a white owl, and the scary monkey! (I just got the shivers!) After very carefully packing these into a giant box, I started dusting the cabinet they all sat on. "What the hell?" "No! that can't be!" "Ah groce!!" "Elise get down here!!!" (things I said to myself) Are you ready for this??? One of monkey's fingers broke off!!!! (shhhh...don't tell Gene) There it was, sitting on the cabinet flipping me off. Monkey knows I hate him. Monkey knows I enjoyed wrapping his scary little face in plastic and taping him closed in the box. Monkey has started haunting me!!! First the F.U. finger and who knows what could be next!

There is always a fabulous pay off for helping Aunt E. Just look at all of the treasures I came home with! I can't wait to find a place for it all.

One more thing....Aunt E. thought it would be funny to take this rainbow duster (only 25 years old) and jump out of a closet to rub it in my face! Pay back is a bith! I'm posting her sexy maid pic for all to see :) Love you Auntie!!!!!!! P.S. I won't even go into how she almost killed me....let's just say, wrong way in on coming traffic! You didn't hear that from me!


Unknown said...

ewwwwwwwww gross! THATS GROSS!!!! Monkey finger! EW thats so yuck!!
nice pic! Why no monkey picture??

paula said...

Oh my hell! This is so funny. I can't believe his finger crusted up and fell off. That's just wrong. I know the perfect spot for some of those wall hangings ;)