Saturday, May 23, 2009

Prozac for Miss Kitty??????

This is the attitude I get when I ask her to do something.......see the annoyance in her eyes??

Obviously she is getting her way now. She gives me that "I'm so cute" smile. Manipulation!!! That's what it is!

Lately Miss Kitty has been moping around as if she is depressed. I'm trying to figure it out. I find her laying in strange places....under a fold out clothes dryer, under my computer desk, in the small bathroom between the wall and toilet, and behind an evergreen bush. I know that her and I have had a fat winter, and that she is getting too old to turbo around the yard. But come on! This is one spoiled dog! She gets walked around the block at LEAST once a day. Eats premium dog food. Has her own doggy door. Gets expensively groomed every 6 weeks. Is allowed to have reign over one side of the couch....and the dog is still sad!? Give me a break! I've got a call into Nanny 911. Maybe they can tell me what I'm doing wrong.

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