Sunday, January 16, 2011

{30 Days of love}
~Day 17~

My day of love started by an awesome breakfast bought and served to us by Aunt T. 
It was an excellent way to begin my day!!!!!
Thanks Aunt T ;)

From there, we worked our way over to 'G to the Ma's' apartment.
We were needing some G-ma time and she was needing a little bit of handy work around her bachelorette pad.
We hung hooks, organized closets, went through old papers, music and videos.
By the time we were done, Randy had hauled three full shopping carts down to either donations, the trash, or our car.
G-ma's apartment looks and feels spacious for her to be able to do her daily workout routines.
(the lady is strong as an ox!)

We did more than organizing and clearancing, we also had a lot of laughs and talking.  Randy and G-ma looked over photo albums and G-ma told the stories behind the pictures.
Randy is the fire under me and G-ma's butts to get those pics scanned and albums made for everyone.
While I was lifting boxes and organizing shelves, Randy somehow jew'd G-ma out of this handmade ceramic coffee mug.
He's such a weasel!!!
I wanted that cup, but didn't dare ask for it!!!

weaselnuts randy!!!

After a wonderful day we headed home with a car full of what I consider family treasures. 
 I received a message from G-ma, that I needed to stop by Bed Bath & Beyond for a special gift that she had pre-paid for via the phone.
It was this Yoshiblade Ceramic Knife set.  A lot of thought went into this gift, as G-ma knows that I enjoy my kitchen and preparing food for my friends and family.
I CANNOT wait to get chopping!!!!

The best love gift my Grandma, Laura Pearl Hansen gave me today, was the gift of her time and memories.  Me and my guys were thrilled leaving with great knowledge of our families' past.  There were many special moments watching G-ma take pride, and then say goodbye to her belonging that once brought her great joy.
Letting go of your past, to make room for the future is difficult.
I'm glad that we could give G-ma comfort as she kissed each item goodbye.
It was our pleasure....but most of all, it was our honor.

What a spectacular day of love....
for us all.


paula said...

I'm so glad your Grandma got in on the "Days of Love" for you. Sounds like it was a wonderful day.

Aunt T said...

AWESOME job, Jole & Crew! So happy y'all made great memories together :)

Anonymous said...


Hey! I think y'all need to listen to some part of the disc of Jolie and myself narrating our own little program of poems and stories. Sounds so good it was as if we were professionals.
She read well, so she had to be maybe 7--that would be 1978 .

I'd read part, then she'd read a part-- lotsa' different characters, like "The Little Red Hen."

At my Apt this past Sunday, Riv and Jax were awed to hear that sweet musical voice of their Mom,a little girl, and me, her young, vibrant grandma, teaming up on our own children's literature presentation.

1978: Jole and Gramma' were both so flowing and consistent, connected, focused. We hadn't pre-rehearsed or anything.
I had gathered up a selection of poems and stories from various Childcraft Literature volumes.

We did this in a young guy's sound studio, in Jerome, or maybe it was in Twin Falls,ID. He recorded it, as we performed, on a reel to reel tape.
I had Discs made off reel a few decades later, as I'd kept the reel all that time.

So, Jole and Gramma' had to be reading, taking different characters, more than half an hour, maybe more close to an hour: perfect flow, enunciation, cool breathing. We sat close together on folding chairs,as I recall.

Jole's feet didn't touch the floor. She held those books with me and read like she was a show biz pro working from a script.

I was prepared to gracefully stop at any time if Jolie was uncomfortable or nervous.


Jole and I were a DNA team then and . . . well . . get the picture, folks.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful job you guys did on Mom's place...thank you.Do you hire out Randy or do I need to pay him with lunch...
Love that story tape idea, I never knew about the story tape. I want to hear it.


Jolie said...

Grandma....I'm trying to find a way that I can share the "story CD" on a download through the internet. I'm planning on making copies on disc too. Jax goes to sleep every night listening to it. I think Shelby, Cash and Lexi would like to listen to it too.
It's one of my treasures, and I am so grateful that we had that day.