Tuesday, January 4, 2011

{a little gift of random burrito}

Chelise sent me this poem in an email to show her love for me in this month of 30 days of love  

So today I composed this quote for you :)...........

Everything tastes good wrapped in a burro!  Random, I know, but could be useful!!!

Thinking of you!

I wasn't shocked that there was some sort of food reference.  We don't call her Senorita Taco Bell for no reason!!
Thanks Girl!!
I love it...can I have a side of fire sauce please?



paula said...

I can just foresee the many different ways this "deep thought" will be used in the coming months. Besides, I totally agree with it. I love Taco Bell too.....Jay D calls it Taco Hell.

Anonymous said...

It's what's inside the burro that counts.


Aunt T said...

I thought a Burro was a Jackass! Guess it's a good thing I'm not familiar with the menu. BUT, I DO
know their slogan--which "could be
(I think you have to be a chiuaua to say that, tho) ;)
Lovin' all the love anyway! LOL :D

Jolie said...

yes Auntie E...I agree that it's what's inside, cuz sometimes the outside looks like pooh.

the burro has a great personality and a face for radio ;)

my God!!!! i'm so weird!!
we are talking about a mexi delight in my mouth, not the fugliness of Camilla "burro" Parker Bowles!!!! How do I get so off track?!?!?
(BTW: Camilla Bowles really is one of the ugliest women I've ever seen! anyone agree??)

ramble ramble ramble ramble ramble
sorry :(

paula said...

Amen. I'm totally with you on the Camilla Parker Bowles thing. She must be good in bed or something.

Chelise said...

Or, it could be that she has too much dirt on him, and if they offed her, she set it up to where the public would find out...then, the entire caste system would go down, then, the whole country would turn into a democratic nation, then, the ecomomy would collapse, and then...Who would we read about in "People"???

Ramble, Ramble, Ramble, Gamble...Oh! Sorry!! That's Vegas on me brain!!!!