Saturday, January 1, 2011

{Christmas 2010}
disclaimer: I am waaay behind on blogging and have so much to tell.  These posts will be direct and to the point. Also, I am writing these the day after a night of drinking, laughing, and over eating.
Please don't expect too much out of my brain today.
The entertainment level of this post will only be 1 haha out of 10 haha's.  
Thank you
Now, on with the story.

The guys look forward to their "Elf Jammies" each year on Christmas Eve.
I think I've done some damn good training with these boys!!!
Do you see these poses?!?!
I mean.....COME ON!!
This just doesn't come natural people!!
This is a lot of camera time and smile discipline.

The Christmas Eve excitement doesn't end with a lounge wear photo shoot....
Oh no!!!!  It gets even better!
Everyone gets to open one gift from under the tree.
You can only imagine the thunder of excitement.
Woot Woot

The boys decided that they wanted to open the gifts from each other.
Awe :)
They get very sappy and loving during this ritual.
You would have never guess that WWF smackdown was just two hours prior!
And I'm pretty sure I heard the name "butt-face" and  "fart-knocker" called from one brother to the other.

Even after giving the boys a Melatonin, there was NO sleeping in our house.
They are still soooooo excited for Christmas Mornings.

Christmas morning....
Momma needed three cups o' joe before anyone could start the gift frenzy.
I then had enough energy to give the go ahead.
They all patiently waited.
Now I kind of feel like butt-face fart-knocker :(
Oh well, just another gift of mental torture my kids will always remember and probably hold against me someday.

A Slinky and LifeSavers candy are a stocking staple!!!

This is the 11th year documenting Christmas with this video camera.
Randy and I were laughing about how big and outdated it is.
Look at me!!!!
This camera is bigger than my head!
Funny, that this was the coolest electronic purchase we had ever bought at that time....not to mention, it was like $500!

boxer shorts galore

a tween boy can never have enough trunks to cover their junk!

It was the year in music for Riv.
5 CD's, all of which were on his Christmas list.
Guns n Roses
Lynyrd Skynyrd
Jimmy Hendrix

I KNOW!!!!!!

The dude is totally my kid! 
And I'm damn proud of his choice in music.
(ok, maybe I have slowly forced these bands/songs onto him throughout his life, but I call it Good Parenting)

Seems that the eye disorder doesn't apply when Randy takes a picture of himself.
We will all be seeing personal headshots of Randy more often.

I was totally surprised and EXTREMELY happy when I opened my "Gucci Guilty" perfume that came in it's own sequined purse and night bag.
OMG!!!!  I loooooove smelling guilty!
The French have got it going on!!!
First they have the best wines, then they tease me with Johnny Depp, and now they have proven to me that I can smell tres Jolie, even here in the good ol' U S of A.
le rock français
(I don't think the bags themselves are Gucci tho)

This is one pic in a series of three.
Watch the excitement of a boy that got exactly what he asked for!

Pure JOY :)

(His reaction made the day for Randy and I)

Guitar strap and hard case was Riv's dream come true.

Money from Grandma Danna

IPOD Nano's and $40 worth of iTunes from Grandma Carol and the Largents will give these boys hours of ear hole pleasure!

Randy surprised me with one last gift.......

I can't wait to get my ass out on that green and "Happy Gilmore" the hell outta those balls!!!!!

Later that afternoon G to the Ma and Aunt Tracy came over for our Feliz Navidad dinner.
G-ma made hand crafted cards that held cash inside for the boys.

Aunt Tracy also gave generously to the boys' college fund.

She rocked my world by giving me this vavoom sweater!!!
I have worn it twice already!!!!

After a full belly, we plopped on the couch for family "Christmas Story" movie time!!

'twas a very Merry Christmas for all of us :)


Aunt T said...

Yes it 'twas!! Thanks, DeVries, for all the Love and Merriment! XOXO <3

Chelise said...

A couple things: I loved the capturing of pure Joy on Jax's face...Priceless!! You are super skinny!! (golfing pic) I am jealous!!

Jolie said...

Chelise....ever heard of photo-shop?? yep, thats my secret ;)