Tuesday, January 4, 2011

{hope for humanity}

This is a picture from the back window of our home.
I have a view of a street that takes people from the east side, all the way to the end of the west side.
This street has a great deal of traffic throughout the day.
The City's LightRail system also runs opposite the street, which requires crossing lights and arm guards.
On a very frigid, (12 degrees) snowy day last week, I noticed the traffic backed up for miles due to the crossing arms stuck in the down position.
Everyone was trapped with no way to even maneuver out of the line-up to flip a U-EE and go back the other direction.
I started having anxiety and wondered why there wasn't help for these poor people.
Then.......I see a man, in only a coat and gloves, get out of his truck and run to one side of the crossing arms and lift the barrier for traffic to start a flow.
A few minutes later, someone is doing the same act on the other side.
Before long, there became a chain reaction of good citizens
 "paying it forward".
After a few cars would go through, a new person would pull over and relieve the frozen helper from his duty...
and this amazing hope for humanity carried on for over an hour.

Watching this repetitive sacrifice that one person made for another, brought out a spiritual happiness inside me.  
Love for a stranger is not lost.
We are still good.


Anonymous said...

How awesome was that to witness. You also have to wonder who this guy was to be a doer and not a follower.I only takes one....


Chelise said...

So true! I am going to be a DOER this next year...NOT A FOLLOWER!! (Awesome comment Momma!) Thanks for sharing that Jol, given the last couple days, I was really losing my faith, in people. .... I needed that!