Tuesday, January 25, 2011

{30 Days of love}
~Day 8~

I felt like spring had just hit my doorstep as I opened the door to this love package from Shannon.

My future is definitely looking so bright...
(VEGAS lights)
I will be needing these shades!!!!!
Holy Rock-n-roll!!!!!
With my white parka on, they made me feel like a stylish ski bunny!

Sunglasses aren't just for UV eye protection anymore people!!!!
They have become a staple in headwear design!
I  think these are going to dress up my plain jane pin head.....
Glasses on your head says, 
"hey, these shades are so cool, 
that I want you to see them even when I'm indoors, 
but I don't want to look like a fool wearing sunglasses in a dark room....
cuz that would be totally lame of me....
but on my head, they make a statement of, 
I'm totally NOT lame, 
and LOOK at my cool glasses dammit!"

Brand name: Kenneth Cole
Yah.....I'm soooo wearing these on my head!

Shannon included this little note....

WTF Shannon!!!!
"If I don't like m I can take m back??"
Are you kidding me?

I love these bad boys!!!
I am feelin' goooood about sporting these around Vegas!
OH MY!!!  I might even get mistaken as a movie star with these designer butes on!!!!
I'll bet those men of "Thunder Down Under" won't be able to keep their hands and eyes off of me with my new love shades sitting pretty on my head!
I can see it all now......
These glasses could open up a whole new world for me!
I will let you all know how many autographs needed signing when I get back.

the girl that could be a movie star,
 only because she has way cool sunglasses!
(I will be one of those like Cher....
I only use my first name
in the spotlight 
and autographs 
and movies 
and paycheck!  ;)

1 comment:

paula said...

OK-if Adrianne doesn't leave a comment on this I'll be shocked. Her sunglasses are always on her head. They come in real handy as a headband and I have to say....if anyone can ROCK a "sunglass headband" it's Adrianne....and you of course Jolie. They look very cool on you.