Monday, January 24, 2011

{30 Days of love}
~Day 9~

My handsome hubs standing next to his beautiful mom.
Randy is such the perfect combination of his dad Jack and his mom Carol.
His kindness, generosity, compassion, and loyalty was bred into him through Carol.

Now, Carol hasn't always been so fond of me.
Her son's choice in marriage material was very skewed and unconventional.
I looked like a gal that would be a "good time" for a date or two, but never one a boy would want to bring home for his mother to meet!!!!
I can only imagine her fear and hesitation as Randy and I entered into a relationship.
Let's see.....
A 17 year old high school girl,
 that came with negative baggage,
with no religious background-
yet wore crosses only as a blasphemy fashion statement,
 a messed up family with multiple divorces,
 platinum mile high hair,
 black lined eyes, 
tight clothes,
and a hint bold yell of a wild side.
doesn't sound like the bride I would choose for my sons either.

Eventually, I would win her over

Carol has been a wonderful, supportive, respectful, loving and giving mother-in-law.  
We talk about how fortunate both of us are for having a positive relationship between each other.
Carol adds conviction in faith of higher powers in my life....
I'd like to think that I add a little a lot of spice in Carol's life :)

She has taught me the meaning of standing by your man....
in sickness, and in health, until death do you part.

Thank you Carol for all of your teachings and love.
You are the best mother-in-law I could ever want!

So I guess you all know who my love gift was from!?!?!

I will use my gift card for a venti cup o' love, paired with a piece of low fat berry coffee cake.
I will be in pure luxury sipping and eating as I get my pedi/mani on Wednesday!!!!!

Thanks Carol!!!!
You know my heart.
I love you!

I noticed how you underlined "unique" in the card!! 

1 comment:

Aunt T said...

AWE! Nuthin Says Luvin like giftcards
for nonfat blueberry muffins! Enjoy the Starbucks' card. That's Golden!
Carol Rocks!! :)