Friday, January 14, 2011

{Tastes like chicken}

Jax 6 months old
River 2 years old

I can smell their sweet smell in this pic.
A momma always knows the smell of her own babies.

I loved Rivers golden locks.  It broke my heart to cut them off.  I kept his gorgeous tendrils in a baggie.
(People were starting to say what a beautiful little girl he was.....
time to chop chop!)
Jax had a hard go in life with hair.  When he started losing the baby silk, it went away in strange patches.  From early on I took clippers around the sides of his head to give a look of military style.  It was the only thing I could do to make the boy look more fashionable and less stray mutt.
This picture shows how big Jax really was.  His arms were the same girth as River's.  Just a few months after this, Jax actually surpassed Rivers head circumference!!!!!


Chelise said...

Memories (in a singing voice) Jaxy has always been a BIG boy!! :) I am so loving these walks down memory lane! Jax and river both are quite the lickers, I mean lookers!

Megan said...

I love their sweetness!! Nothing better than that!