Thursday, January 13, 2011

{Party like it's 1999}

(Katie, me, Chelise)

Thanksgiving 1999 Arizona
Gene and Elise's home

Not being able to find a helmet to fit my head, 
I chose to style my hair in the shape of a helmet!
As you can see, the helmet style with baby bangs do not combine so good.  
Nope....not so good.
(I think I was going for the "Rachael from friends" hairstyle.  You can see how well that worked out for me)


paula said...

Oh my gosh...I knew you back then. I don't remember your hair looking silly. I'm pretty sure you were going for the Rachel from "Friends" look......we all were. This picture is adorable BTW. You gals have always been a riot haven't you?

paula said...

P.S. For those of you who just read the previous post about Chelise's big toe....check out her thumb in this pic. It's pretty much identical to her big toe. You know I love you Chelise....and your big Big toe.

Anonymous said...

The 80's called, they want the hair back!!


Chelise said...


Don't worry. I can still work the foot brake on that bike, even with the toe!

I wanted "Friends" hair, but being my father is a black man, I had to wait ceramic flat irons were invented to tame this "Kramer" hair.